Riding the carousel never gets old :)
Kayla wasn't so sure, but she warmed up to it quick.
Talia and Kayla stay closer than the big kids so I took tons of pictures of them, and none of anybody else. Plus they're cute :)

Kayla was cracking me up the way she would fall back into the water and just drift with the stream for a bit before she'd get back up again. I watched her close cause it was scary, but that kid is fearless just drifting downstream like that!

Some lady brought Kayla back over to me at one point and pointed out that she was going to burn her feet running off onto the hot cement. I didn't say it, but I should have told her "yeah and then she'll learn. Now she'll never understand why she shouldn't run off onto the hot cement. AND she's now terrified because some stranger just picked her up, so double thanks." But instead I just rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses.

T was quite the terror with the squirt gun. Towards me.

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