Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Sewing Lessons

Talia insisted on sewing with me. So I humored her with some plastic sheeting and some yarn. She was really, really, into it. But extremely independent. I thought these pictured captured the journey from, "Wow, you really go full-speed at everything you try don't you" to "What the heck did you do and how am I going to undo that for you" pretty well.
Also, I love how this child involves her feet in everything she does.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Nothing to See Here

Kayla will NOT wear clothes lately.
So when we don't have anywhere to go I let her be free. And then someone will stop by unexpected and get a shock, but I just figure they should have called ahead.

She knows she's the baby and can get away with whatever she wants.

Growing Up

Talia chose this outfit 100% by herself.
Shirt: too small
Pants: pajamas
Socks: Princesses
Shoes: her fanciest
Coat: duck-taped arm after she ripped it climbing the neighbors pine tree so high she made them panic. . .
And her wonderful new "smile" face. I like this kid, a lot.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Fried Eggs and Messy Hair

Kayla LOVES fried eggs. Usually I just feed her bites of mine, but today I made her her very own and she wolfed down 2 whole eggs! Then came back for a banana about an hour later.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Muffins with Mom

Muffins with Mom at Lydia's school. This is before Kayla dumped the juice over of course.
Also, I was wearing pink too in case you haven't noticed that we live in a VERY pink world. Poor Jude can't see pink though! He thought my pink shirt was gray until I held my gray sweater up next to it. Apparently the only difference is that pink is darker. I find it very funny that Jude can't see the dominant color in his life. Perhaps his color-blindness is a defense mechanism to protect himself from pink over-taking his world too?

Monday, January 23, 2017

100th Day of School

What a cutie! And I love that she is wearing this sweater too. It is her absolute favorite shirt right now :) Also, when did we start celebrating the 100th day of school? It's just another reason to count to 100 I guess.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Pinewood Derby

Last place. He was pretty bummed, but the guy in charge of the race awarded last place with the opportunity for him to fix the car up and get it into winning shape. So after the guy worked his magic Jude had the second fastest car! So next year, we'll pay more attention to making the wheels exactly straight.
Jude was proud of his car though. Uncle Bobby helped him cut it out and get it sanded, then Dad helped him finish it off and they added some weight to get it right at 5 ounces. If it hadn't pulled to the left it would've been a contender :)
Yellow and Black of course- to a color blind boy there really are no other colors.
Jude loved the Pokemon sticker he chose and of course had to be #8.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Keyboard Fun

I love how much Talia loves Lydia's things. Whenever Lydia leaves her things out T sneaks in and takes her turn. Also, the headband headphones are the greatest invention of all time.

Park Day with Aunt Megan

Aunt Megan was in town today with her family so she suggested we go to the new All-Abilities park by Tonaquint. It was a lot of fun. CROWDED. But fun. The park is huge- I hardly saw Jude, Lydia, and Julia the whole time. But these two had plenty of fun on their own.
If you're wondering why I took so many pictures- Talia insisted I take a picture of everything she did of course. These two are pretty amazing climbers. It always cracks me up that Kayla has no concept that she's smaller than her siblings, she has an "if they can do it, I can do it" attitude about everything. It was especially fun watching her zip down the super-fast slide just like a big kid than run around to do it again and again. I like to watch the other parents watching her, they think she's as funny as I do.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Potty Training

We've been potty-training Talia lately (she's so STUBBORN)
But Kayla has jumped on board and takes care of herself for the most part. Which has been frustrating (she plays in the toilet as often as she potties in it), and hilarious all at the same time.

Today I walked in to find her sitting on the toilet completely naked, so I grabbed my camera just in time for her to fall in! She was a little shocked at first, but then she laughed and laughed!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Food Appreciation

I always like to document when my children actually eat something I make. Kayla is a big fan of rice so today we were late picking John up from work (while his car is in the shop), because I just couldn't pull her away from her dinner. I like her.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Lydia has always loved Annie, I guess Talia is wanting to be like her big sister and watch "real" movies instead of just cartoons now. They grow up so fast :)

Also, today is John and my 12th wedding anniversary! Time goes so fast!

Friday, January 6, 2017


Jude really likes to play Battleship- he likes anything that is one on one.
I get weirded out when I play this with him though. Last time we played our battleships were in the exact same spot and this time we both decided to line our ships up in a bunch. . . it's always creepy when someone thinks the exact same way you do.


Sorry for the picture overload here. I couldn't choose a favorite, I just love snow too much!

I loved that Julia tossed it in the air and let it snow down on top of her head. That smile of hers. . .
Talia was outside ALL morning. She would still be out there if she didn't need a diaper change and a drink of milk. She loves to be outside any day, but you add snow and it's a whole new love.
Her attempt at building a "frosty the snowman" was very short-lived. This snow was the famous Utah powder and was way too dry to build anything with.
Kayla lasted about 2 minutes before she wanted to come in. I made her tough it out for about 15 minutes though. She was more than happy to come inside when her forced playtime was over though.
Ugh- this kid is SO CUTE! She's the only one who will still actually say cheese for me.